Merchant details:
Zlaten Rozhen EOOD
Kapatovo village, Petrich municipality
Booking method:
You can make a reservation in the family hotel Zlaten Rozhen in one of the following ways:
on tel: +359 879 801 300
on site at the hotel
on e-mail: (or from the contact form on the hotel website)
The hotel confirms availability at the time of booking.
Payment of the reservation:
Payment is made on the spot – in cash or by card.
Cancellation up to 48 hours before the start date of check-in is free of charge.
Cancellations for less than 48 hours until the start of the check-in date will be charged for the first night.
Protection of personal data
Accommodation at the hotel is done by presenting personal documents proving the identity of the guests. The data provided by you are protected in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the regulations governing the protection of information and are processed only in connection with the implementation of the established requirements of the Tourism Act.
This information will be used only in connection with the reservations made and will not be provided for other purposes. Hotel Zlaten Rozhen has the right to collect and use information about its users when they register or make a reservation.
The information through which a User on the website can be identified may include name, surname, family name, address, telephone, e-mail address for correspondence and any other information that the User provides when booking and any other , which it introduces or provides when ordering, receiving or using the services provided by Hotel Golden Rozhen, participation in promotions, raffles and competitions, filling in questionnaires, questionnaires, forms and others.
Hotel Golden Rozhen guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data of its Users, declaring that they will not be used for purposes other than their intended purpose, namely:
– establishing contact with the User when specifying details about the reservation and the ways of its payment;
– invoicing;
– assistance in filling out a reservation, if you can not do it yourself;
– information on prices or services;
– provision of services and support;
– notification of new services or products;
– providing personalized promotional offers, etc.
Hotel Zlaten Rozhen takes due care and is responsible for protecting the information about the User, which became known to him on the occasion of the reservation through the website except in cases of force majeure or accidental event.
The reservation form, filled in by the User, indicates the obligatory or voluntary nature of providing the data and the consequences of refusing to provide them. By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to the information about him to be processed in the manner prescribed therein.
The restrictions do not apply in the event that the User or persons under his control have committed malicious acts within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions or have violated the rights or legitimate interests of third parties. In this case, Hotel Zlaten Rozhen has the right to provide personal information about the User to the relevant competent state authorities, in accordance with applicable law.
Hotel Zlaten Rozhen undertakes not to disclose any personal information about the User and not to provide the collected information to third parties – companies, individuals and others, except in cases where:
– has received the explicit consent of the User at the time of booking or at a later time;
– the information is requested by state bodies or officials, who according to the current legislation are authorized to request and collect such information in compliance with the legally established procedures;
– in other cases specified by law.